KM Tours
KM Tours

Monday through Friday 9-4
Driving Directions:
Near the intersection of Hwy 60 & Hwy 83 in the Heart of downtown Hartford
About Us
Professionally escorted group tours from day-trips & overnight excursions to overseas adventures and that trip of a lifetime. Most popular trips include Hawaii, Alaska, Ireland & Central Europe. COME JOIN THE FUN!
Rep/Contact Info
View Personal Bio
Robin Gresenz
I joined KM Tours in September of 2008. I was born in Hartford, attended Hartford Union High School and then lived in California, Germany, New York, Montana and Texas. My husband was in the United States Air Force and retired in 2007. I have been married for 30 years and have three sons and one daughter. It has been a pleasure working with all our travelers and I look forward to having more fun in the years to come.
Robin Gresenz
Office Manager
- Phone: (262) 223-0234

View Personal Bio
Scott Lopas
With over 40 years in local broadcasting, and 30 years experience with group travel... I'm enjoying the opportunity to provide tour experiences from day trips, to that trip of a lifetime. I also enjoy being hands on not just with the business, but with organizations that support the Hartford Community such as the Hartford Area Foundation, Medical Center Foundation of Hartford, Senior Friends Endowment Fund and Redeemer Lutheran Church Foundation among those groups I serve as a director and/or officer. With WTKM Tours since 1991, and now simply KM Tours since carving out this part of the business when I sold the Hartford radio stations in 2011... you're invited to COME JOIN THE FUN with me and KM TOURS!!
Scott Lopas
President / General Manager
- Phone: (262) 223-0234