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Divine Savior Lutheran Church (LCMS)

Thurs: 7 pm
Sun: 8, 9:30, 11 am
Sunday Morning Brew, 11 am
All ages Sunday School, 9:30 am
Driving Directions:
Located on Hartford's southeast side; at intersection of Hwy. K South & East Monroe Avenue; approx. 1/2 mile south of Hwy. 60. By the big white water tower!
About Us
Known as ''the friendly church'' and active in the community. Encourages worship, Bible study, and developing a personal relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Sunday School, VBS, Youth group, small group ministry, LWML women's organization, quilting and knitting groups, Country Fair in the Spring adult choir, Family Promise, food pantry collection, Trunk or Treat. Free Community Thanksgiving Dinner on Thanksgiving Day. Sunday Morning Brew service (an engaging approach to the Gospel in a relaxed cafe setting) happens every Sunday morning at 11 am. Member congregation of The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod (LCMS).

You're Welcome!

You're invited! Free Wendysue Concert! Our gift to the community!

Rep/Contact Info

- Phone: (262) 673-5140
Sheila Steinweg
Sheila Steinweg
Business Manager
- Phone: (262) 673-5140